Shameless seller exposed? You be the judge.

Hi everyone! Lerrick here from Sanlaki. In this blog, I'm going to talk about one of the cardinal sins in the 3d design world --- stealing other people's work, pass it off as your own (by doing the slightest modification), and then profiting from it.
I'm all for friendly competition BUT there's a huge difference between creating something similar to shamelessly stealing and slightly editing 3D files.
Sure, this spineless seller may not use the exact 3D files I shared for free but come on... anyone with basic 3D knowledge can do this kind of edit in 10 minutes or if you have $5 you can easily hire someone to do it on Fiverr.
As you all know, I share my 3d design files for free on Thingiverse under Creative Commons - Non Commercial - Attribution license. So unfortunately, unethical people will take advantage... We're a small business (me + gf) and so we don't have a lot of resources for marketing and we heavily rely on word of mouth.
Is this worst than selling cheap knockoffs? Maybe... maybe not? You be the judge! Please share and put shameless people accountable :)
Thank you!
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